Site & Situation
The most powerful drama is situated in time and space. Each situation or story is part of the Site. The Site connects Self and Society as social, historical, intellectual, and emotional being. It has the capacity to make us more socially engaged. How do we create theatre that resonates with the lived experience of participants/audience? How can playing the situation, rather than the character, enable the audience/participant to meet themselves on the ‘stage’?
Working from a theatre text as stimulus, this practice-based workshop will explore the Site as a tool for understanding ourselves and theatre making which enables the imagination of the actor, and of the audience/participant, to animate the ‘other’ through how the drama is enacted within the logic of the situation.
Når: Mandag 18.03 kl. 17.00 – 20.00 i rom
Hvor: HVL, campus Bergen, rom B 410
Påmelding: [email protected]
Pris: Kr.300.- (For medlemmer i Drama- og teaterpedagogene og studenter kr. 200)