Logo ITAC5
  • august 24, 2020

ITAC5 arrangeres 14.-17. september og denne gangen er arrangementet heldigitalt. Påmeldingen er åpen og det er fortsatt plass på deltagerkvoten for Europa.

Arrangementet går over 3 dager, fullpakket med workshops, diskusjoner og foredrag.

Les mer om konferansen og meld deg på her.

Om ITAC (fra arrangøren)

The International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC), is an international platform, which brings together socially engaged artists from around the world practicing in diverse fields, from local communities to educational institutes, and enables them to exchange ideas and deepen their expertise.


Over 3 full days of programming, the conference will offer more than 40 sessions led by colleagues from 19 different countries and a diverse range of art forms. In addition to a jam-packed workshop schedule, there will be break out spaces where you can connect with colleagues from around the world, collaborative online art projects, keynote speakers and more. In true ITAC style, we plan for all workshops to be participatory and practice enriching for those who attend.